Want to know how to dress up like Captain America for Halloween? Okay, we’ve got you covered. But before we tell you, we want to think about this first:
A scrawny boy from 1940's Brooklyn, when Steve Rogers became Captain America he showed comic book fans that it was possible for anyone to aspire to superhero-dom.

Anyone can grow up with patriotism and love of country in his or her heart, enlist in the military, volunteer for Operation Rebirth, and emerge as the super soldier we know as Captain America. And that’s what has always been the most beautiful part about the Captain America character – we all have the ability to become him.
After all, anyone can wear the red, white, and blue uniform and sock Nazis in the face, throw a metal shield at choppers, tanks, and people.
Steve Rogers was born a man and experiences the same things the rest of us experience. He has a passion for justice and truth, and isn’t afraid to take these things where they are absent.
Politicians, police officers, teachers, soldiers, doctors all share this passion to help end suffering, and bring light to the world amidst all of its darkness brought forth by greed, corruption, and desire for power.
Captain America is a policy maker, negotiator, law enforcer, teacher, physician, and above all, a Winter soldier. In more ways than one, he is the embodiment of America.

Yet, no one can be that version of Captain America, really–because it’s unique to Steve Rogers.
Steve Roger’s personality helped to forge his own identity (with a little help from Vita Rays and the Super Soldier serum), just as a fun, officially licensed Steve Rogers Captain America costume will help you forge your own during Halloween or the comic con season.
So, if you’re ready to find out exactly how to dress up as Captain America for Halloween or comic con, it’s time for you to scroll down below so you can see everything you’ll need to transform yourself into everyone’s favorite Marvel American superhero.
What does the Captain America Costume Symbolize?

The red, white, and blue colors that make up Captain America’s iconic superhero costume have come to represent patriotism, heroism, determination, identity and purpose, duty, law & order, nationalism, fight, strength and legacy.
Which Captain America Costume Is The Best?
It depends on your preference as a Marvel Comics and Captain America fan. There isn't one Captain America costume/uniform that is universally-lauded as “the best.” There are some fans that prefer the classic, iconic red, white, and blue costume that Cap wears in the Marvel comics of the 1950s, then there are others who like the simplistic cloth Captain America costume worn by actor Dick Purcell in the 1940s Republic Pictures film serials.
Whereas, other fans of the Captain America character prefer the Cap costume
worn by Chris Evans in the more recent big-budget Marvel/Hollywood Captain America movies.
Cosplay Captain America Halloween Costume
A quick Google search nets numerous websites like TVStoreOnline.com that sell everything needed to transform into Captain America during the Halloween or comic con season. Whether it’s Cap’s iconic shield, a deluxe Captain America costume, Captain America's gloves, or it’s a Captain America cosplay for people on a specific budget, these days it’s fast and easy to get your perfect Cap costume.
Captain America Costume DIY
Looking for a Captain America shield, Cap’s boots, or Cap’s gloves? Or a deluxe Cap costume or one that fits a budget? Websites like TVStoreOnline.com not only offer different ways to transform into Captain America during the Halloween or comic con season, but they give you a variety of pricing options based on your budget.
Kids Captain America Halloween Costume
It’s just as easy these days for the little ones as it is for the adults when it comes to finding a deluxe Captain America Halloween costume on the internet, or all the necessary pieces that any fan of the Marvel Universe would need to put together a DIY Captain America costume for Halloween or the comic con season.