You would never admit this to your own mother, but at some point growing up you wished you could trade her in for your favorite TV Mom.
Maybe not for good, but at least a trial period while yours got over whatever it was that caused her to say those famous last words: “Just wait till your father gets home.” That was never a good day at your house, and if you were a TV buff it led to endless daydreaming about being part of your favorite sitcom family – because even on bad days, they still seemed to have it pretty good As Mother’s Day approaches, we’re honoring some of the TV moms that made us laugh, made us cry, made us cringe, and, most importantly, made us envious by way of these classic moments preserved in pop-culture history. Some you’ll remember like you watched them for the first time yesterday, others you may have forgotten about, but all of them will bring back fond memories of the fake family you wished you were part of – even when they started to resemble yours more and more. (That’s the whole point, isn’t it?)
Take a look, and afterward let us know who/what your favorite TV mom/moment is in the comments below.
Roseanne Connor
Having the birth control conversation with mom is never an easy one. Roseanne Connor probably didn’t take it any better than yours. Until she weighed the pros and cons, of course.
Clair Huxtable
Did you ever sneak away to have "biiiig fun" – in Balt-i-more!? – without your parents knowing? If your answer is no, then you probably saw Clair Huxtable react to Vanessa’s indiscretion, ultimately deciding it’s not a smart move for kids who want to live.
Kitty Forman
Kitty Forman’s mood swings were familiar territory for many of us. Through trial and many errors, we learned to let our own moms apologize to us (it happens every now and then) without saying a word.
Claire Dunphy
Patience is definitely a virtue that Claire Dunphy has mastered. Try this around your mom and you’d be eating that cereal through a straw.
June Cleaver
Go ahead and lie to your mother about a dog biting you at a friend’s house. You’ll definitely need God then. And not in the way June Cleaver suggests.
Jill Taylor
Roseanne dealt with birth control while Jill Taylor had to handle the other end of the spectrum. You remember that look, don’t you, boys?
Debra Barone
Debra Barone took her lumps in stride, but she knew how to get down to brass tax. If this was your mom you’d be embarrassed by this get-up, but we can agree that it’s better than the curlers and robe she used to drop you off at school in, right?
Marge Simpson
If your mom knew how to get down like Marge Simpson maybe you would have been more eager to hit the dance floor with her at your cousin’s wedding.
Carol Brady
If only your mom had delivered this sage advice from Carol Brady before you sent your brother to the emergency room.
Sophia Petrillo