Christian Bale remade the iconic superhero role of Batman, first with “Batman Begins”, then with the “Dark Knight”, and finally with “Dark Knight Rises” set to be released in 2012. He took us back through how Batman became Batman, showed us how to combat the craziest of Jokers, and presented us with the sufferings of a real hero in a modern dark world. I’m not totally sure what Batman will do next as Batman, but I know that it will involve Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, keeping with the theme of pretty, level-headed girls who become Batman’s girl. However, it seems that this time the level-headed girl who will become Batman’s girl…will also become Catwoman. Some of us are psyched to see Anne Hathaway in the Catwoman costume, many of us are indifferent.
What is really interesting is what Christian Bale will do next, as he had said he is not pursuing any new projects until “The Dark Night Rises” officially wraps. Coming off an Oscar for “The Fighter”, and one of the more successful superhero franchises, it’s going to be very intriguing to see what his next move his. Does he go back to the popcorn action flick, or does he go after another statue? According to some trade sources, his options include a lot of possible Oscar pictures, and a couple fun roles.
He’s looking at working with Clint Eastwood in Warner Bros’ remake of “A Star is Born”, which already is going to star Beyonce Knowles. A very cool possibility is Bale starring in Spike Lee’s remake of the Korean Thriller “Oldboy”, which would have him playing the villain. For anyone who has seen the original “OldBoy”, you know that it will take an amount of sensitivity for some grueling circumstances, as well as a sense of humor. Spike Lee is a good fit for that, and for anyone who has seen American Psycho, you know that Bale can bring depth to a disturbed man. Also, Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah” is being looked at by Bale, which would be interesting to see him in a biblical epic produced by Paramount. In my opinion, all these options are very good for Bale, so as I said before, this will be one of the more intriguing moves by an actor this year, and could prove to make or break the rest of his career. Good luck The Dark Knight, you’re going to need it.