The Big Bang Theory, since the first episode aired in 2007, has been on CBS between 8-10pm EST. However, the current season, Season 10, which has just finished airing on the television network, aired at 830pm EST. In Syndication on pay cable networks like TBS, Big Bang Theory airs every day on the Atlanta-based network at 8pm EST, but at times airs in blocks which run from 8pm - 930pm EST. With the time change from Eastern time to Central and West Coast or Pacific Standard Time, Big Bang Theory still airs at 830pm EST.
When Big Bang Theory first hit television airwaves, CBS aired Big Bang Theory on Monday nights at 830pm EST. However, following the Writers Guild strike of 2017, when the show returned to CBS, it began airing on Monday night at 8pm EST. Season 2 of Big Bang Theory aired Monday nights at 8pm EST. Season 3 aired on Monday nights at 930pm EST. With Season 4, CBS moved the show's regular time slot on Monday nights to a Thursday slot. Season 4 of Big Bang Theory aired on Thursday night at 8pm EST where it remained until the end of Season 7.
At the start of Season 8 of Big Bang Theory, the show was returned to Monday nights at 8pm EST. Season 9 of the show aired on Monday night at 8pm EST. Season 10, which finished airing in May 2017 aired on Thursday night at 8pm. Seasons 8-10, not only aired on Monday nights at 8pm EST, but they also aired on Thursday nights at 8pm EST as well.