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Where can I watch Season 3 of The Walking Dead? - TVStoreOnline

Where can I watch Season 3 of The Walking Dead? | The Walking Dead Facts

Your best bet may be to stream or order DVDs of the entire 16 episodes of Season 3 on the subscriber service Netflix. iTunes and also offer a streaming service, but they charge a per episode fee. Other options are Hulu Plus or VOD (video on demand). When a season is about to begin, AMC traditionally airs all of the episodes of the preceding season before the next one begins in marathon style, so free up some space on your DVR.

If you are looking for portability and speed, then Netflix streaming is probably your best bet. In addition to accessing from your PC, you can use the Netflix app on your smartphone, tablet, Chromecast, Apple TV, Roku, X-Box Live or Playstation Network. This means you don’t have to be sitting in front of a computer or TV to watch TWD, but can actually watch from the comfort of your own bed or even while driving. Needless to say, we don’t recommend the latter.

The walking deadTv show